Monobee offers fast, afford­able, and high-qual­i­ty solu­tions in the field of print­ed elec­tron­ics, uti­liz­ing addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing meth­ods for print­ed cir­cuit board pro­duc­tion and the devel­op­ment of con­duc­tive inks.

Pre-Order now and be a pioneer in Printed Electronics!

Join the Fore­front of Inno­va­tion with BS-One, Offer­ing Advanced Addi­tive Man­u­fac­tur­ing Solu­tions for Supe­ri­or Print­ed Elec­tron­ics.

Our Impact on the Electronics Industry

Rapid prototyping

Addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing elec­tron­ics sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces iter­a­tion time com­pared to tra­di­tion­al meth­ods. Iter­ate designs swift­ly with­out the need for sub­stan­tial invest­ments or wait­ing on tool­ing, thus cut­ting costs and expe­dit­ing design results.

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Overcoming barriers

With no reliance on con­tract man­u­fac­tur­ers, no min­i­mum order quan­ti­ties, reduced entry costs, user-friend­ly machin­ery, and enhanced design flex­i­bil­i­ty, addi­tive pro­to­typ­ing removes bar­ri­ers you may not have even been aware of.

Unleashing potential

The forth­com­ing era of elec­tron­ics is set to be eco­nom­i­cal­ly effi­cient, light­weight, flex­i­ble, and seam­less­ly incor­po­rat­ed into struc­tures. Our dis­pens­ing sys­tems pave the way for these advan­tages, pro­vid­ing a com­pet­i­tive edge.


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REŞİTPAŞA Mah. KATAR Cad. İTÜ ARI Tekno­kent 3 Binası  No:4/B109 SARIYER / İSTANBUL 

E‑mail: info@beespenser.com 

Mon­day — Fri­day 09:00 am — 09:00 pm
